
Dear Customer!

We remind you of a very important information that applies to all devices with batteries - do not store a battery that has been discharged to a minimum for a long time. If you leave your scooter few months with a dead battery, it will lose its capacity and the range will decrease.

The warranty period for the electric scooter is 6 months.

The warranty covers the electrical part of the electric scooter:

- battery
- electric motor
- motor controller
- charger

Other electrical parts such as throttle, light and sound control buttons, headlights, turn signals, horn, speedometer, and wiring are not covered by the warranty. This decision was made due to the fact that in the event of a breakdown of these small parts, the percentage of warranty cases is practically absent, the main reason for their breakdowns due to falls, driving errors and careless storage.

The service may refuse warranty repairs in the following cases:

- The presence of mechanical or other damage that is the cause of a malfunction that arose as a result of intentional or careless actions of the buyer or third parties;
- Violation of the rules of use, exceeding the maximum loads, improper operation;
- Unauthorized opening, repair or modification of the internal components of the goods, changes in the design of the goods, various improvements;
- If damage is found caused by the ingress of foreign objects, substances, liquids into the product, or the action of extreme temperature;