Answered the most popular questions about the electric scooter. If you do not find the answer, we will gladly answer you. Please write to WhatsApp +506 6137 6973

  • What to choose Electric scooter or petrol scooter, motobike?

    If you do not need very high power and engine sound like a Harley-Davidson, then in our opinion the choice is clear in favor of an electric scooter, bike, motorcycle and that's why:

    • Save time on maintenance
    • Save money for gasoline, oil and other stuff up to x10.
    • Less emissions, less noise
    • No need special driver license
    • Easy for beginners
    • There are no hot parts and parts that can be burned or dirty
  • What is better electric scooter Citycoco or electric bike/ other electric scooters?

    If you want to buy e-scooter Citycoco you need to know that it has:

    • High-quality brand new LITHIUM battery 25 Ah. It works for 3-5 years in avg. versus lead acid battery other's scooters/bikes which could work 1-6 months without warranty. It's very important because battery is the most expensive part of electric vehicle!
    • High-quality hub-motor from QS factory. It's second expensive part of scooter, but in truth, they almost never fail.
    • A lower center of gravity than an electric bicycle, so it is easier to control for all.
    • You can ride together.
    • You can transport cargo
    • You can ride like a regular scooter, pushing off with your foot if the battery dead
    • Fat tires allow for soft terrain and sand
    • The braking distance of wide wheels is several times shorter than that of narrow wheels - that's your safety.
  • Do I need to register an electric scooter and pass technical inspection?

    This type of scooters does not require registration, registration numbers and technical inspection. In Сosta Rica, there are no regulations for such electric scooters, the same rules apply to them as for ordinary bicycles - the only restriction is driving on highways.

  • Can I drive electric scooter Citycoco without driver's license?

    Yes. You don't need a driver's license to drive a scooter, like a bicycle.

  • Is a helmet and a warning tape required?

    The same rules apply here as for bicycles. We strongly recommend that you always wear a motorcycle helmet and use reflective clothing for the safety of you and those around you.

  • How often to charge the scooter?

    On average, our 25Ah lithium batteries are full charged in 5 hours (5 A) or 8 hours (3 A).

  • Can I ride an electric scooter in the rain?
    You can drive 5-10 minutes in a drizzling rain. The longer you drive in the rain and the heavier the rain, the more likely a breakdown will occur. In the basic configuration, you can not ride an electric scooter in the rain and deep puddles. The manufacturer's warranty does not apply to this. But Pacific Scooter can offer you an additional service with a guarantee - WATERPROOFING, it costs only $100!
  • Who sells Citycoco?
    We sell e-scooter Citycoco in CR, also our partner EVOLVE in Puerto Viejo!
  • Where I can buy Citycoco electric scooter in Costa Rica near me?
    You can buy Citycoco e-scooter in Costa Rica from our online shop or from our partner in Puerto Viejo!
  • Can electric scooter go uphill?

    Yes, sure! On scooters 3000W, you can safely climb the mountain, the appropriate controller will withstand! But we must remember that everything has limits...

  • Electric scooter can be charged at home?
    Yes, sure! 110 v is enough for any our charger! It takes apx. 5-8 hours!